
What is Neuroscience?

Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and what it does. Neuroscientists focus on the brain and its impact on behaviour and cognitive functions. Not only is neuroscience concerned with the normal functioning of the nervous system, but also what happens to the nervous system when people have neurological, psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Neuroscience has traditionally been classed as a subdivision of biology. These days, it is an interdisciplinary science which liaises closely with other disciplines, such as mathematics, linguistics, engineering, computer science, chemistry, philosophy, psychology, and medicine.

What is Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.


“Neurons That Fire Together, Wire Together”

Scientists now know that the brain has an amazing ability to change and heal itself in response to mental experience. This phenomenon, known as neuroplasticity, is considered to be one of the most important developments in modern science for our understanding of the brain.

The brain is not fixed and unchangeable, as was once thought, but can create new neural pathways to adapt to its needs. This has led to an explosion of interest in the power of brain training to improve our focus, memory attention and performance.

What this means in practical terms is that each time you repeat a particular thought or action, you strengthen the connection between a set of brain cells or neurons. The mind and the brain are a unified system. As the brain changes, the mind changes. As the mind changes, the brain changes. This means that you can use your conscious mind to make lasting changes to your brain to bring about greater well-being and happiness in your life.

Our treatment is therefore designed to collapse your phobia at a neurological level, so there is no nasty exposure therapy (facing the fear to beat the fear) with our program.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others (similar to Mindfulness). It is generally said to include three skills:

  1. Emotional awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others;
  2. The ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving;
  3. The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person.

We define Emotional Intelligence as the capacity to reason about emotions, and of emotions to enhance thinking. It includes the abilities to accurately perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth.

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

“NLP is a therapeutic technique to redirect and reprogram unconscious patterns of thought and behaviour in order to alter psychological responses. The basic principles of NLP is that an individual has the power to change their own subconscious programming for the better.–Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is defined as how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

As everyone is different, it is impossible for anyone except yourself to actually really understand you.

NLP explores the relationship between:

  • How we think (Neuro)
  • How we communicate (Linguistic)
  • Patterns of Behaviour (Programming)

Once you understand your own map of reality, you can make changes to it in order to produce the life experiences that YOU want. Andrew’s expertise is in facilitating that process.

What is Hypnosis?

“Patients are patients because they are out of rapport with their own unconsciousness… Patients are people who have had too much programming – so much outside programming that they have lost touch with their Inner selves.” — Milton Erickson, Founder of Modern Hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a quick way to achieve a relaxed and focused state of consciousness, similar to that experienced in meditation, daydreaming and watching a good movie. It is an excellent state for introducing positive suggestions that are easily integrated into the conscious and unconscious mind.

You cannot be hypnotised unless you want to be

What is Time Line Therapy®?

Time Line Therapy is based on the fact that all learning behaviour change is Unconscious” — Tad James, Creator of Time Line Therapy.

One of the most important prime directives of the unconscious mind is to preserve the body – to maintain its integrity. The unconscious mind holds onto memories that may be unpleasant, and represses them for protection. These memories are the “problems” that present themselves consciously – the reason that you are reading this now. Time Line Therapy is an outstanding way to present repressed emotions for resolution in that it uses active imagination in a non-associated way – which means that traumatic events do NOT need to be revisited.

The Time Line is how you unconsciously store your memories. The Therapy itself utilises a person’s own internal “Time Line” to work with their unconscious minds in a variety of ways including healing emotional traumas, eradicating negative emotions, behaviours and unwanted thoughts. It is a dissociative (non-associated) technique of active imagination which creates safe, instant and positive, powerful changes.

What can you achieve in a personal breakthrough session?

Personal breakthrough sessions are client specific and that means we work on whatever personal changes you want to make in yourself to achieve your goals in your personal or professional lives. We will work together to help you decide on what your goal may be if you are currently unsure of the direction you want to move in.

There may be many areas of your life where you are already very successful, but you may have other areas however where you are not as successful as you would like to be. Personal breakthrough sessions are the opportunity to work on those areas where you would like to achieve greater success.

Personal breakthrough sessions can help you to achieve major performance improvements, which in turn can lead to that promotion and salary increase you have been wanting. They are also useful to help you move forward out of a temporary dip or lull that you may be finding yourself in. Help you with unresolved issues or presenting problems that you have not yet managed to resolve yourself. There are many reasons why that may be the case, including limiting decisions, limiting beliefs, fears etc.

Personal breakthrough sessions have assisted people around the world for many reasons, including:

  • Increasing self-confidence, work performance, motivation, efficiency, decisions making.
    • Improving self-management, time management, relationships, concentration.
    • Letting go of negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, phobias, hurt and guilt, among others that harm the body and health.
    • Help people to stop smoking, lose weight, stops bad habits, doing the same things and expecting different results.
    • We elicit your values in different areas of your life and evaluate how you are currently living compared to your values.
    • Align your values to meet your goals and be more congruent in your behaviour.
    • Setting SMART goals and inserting them in your future to create an achievable compelling future.

Why do I need a personal breakthrough session?

If you are reading this page, then there is a likely hood that you feel there is something missing in your life or you are not quite satisfied in all areas of your life. Or you may be thinking something like “Is what I am or have now, all I am worth?”
Have you ever found yourself saying:
“I wish I could stop doing…, but there is a part of me that….”
“I really want to… but I just can’t help myself.”
I know I should not … but I just can’t help myself.”

How long is a personal breakthrough session?

It can vary, but we typically put 8 hours aside for a personal breakthrough session. This is split into two days of 4 hours each.

So what next?

A personal breakthrough session is geared to help you achieve or overcome, increase, achieve that part of your life where you have felt unable to do yourself. You know you are more than your current behaviour or situation. Don’t you? So are ready to let go of the things that have held you back in the past and ready for the new you?

Then simply contact us today. Our goal is to help you achieve YOUR goal.